❤Knowledge of Human Hair Grade❤
Human hair can be divided into 4 grades according to hair materials's quality:
Non-remy Hair(Low Quality), Remy Hair(General Quality), Virgin Hair(High Quality), Raw Virgin Hair(Best Quality).
Non-remy Hair is collected from discarded hair that is usually brushed off,cuticle damaged,hair roots and hair tails in a mess,so the wigs made of Non-remy Hair are poor quality.It is easy to tangle and shedding,life time is very short.
Remy Hair(8A) is cut from the hair of different people.Using the machine to arrange the hair roots and hair tips in one direction, so that the cuticle also follow a direction, it is not easy to tangle.However, in the process of the machine, more or less will be damaged to the cuticle, so the integrity of cuticle is usually 80%,life time is about 3-6 months.
Virgin Hair(9A) the quality is between Remy Hair and Raw Virgin Hair. the integrity of cuticle is usually 90%,life time is about 7-11 months.
Raw Virgin Hair(10A) is cut from young girl’s braid, only living with One-directional Cuticle,Intact Cuticle,Unprocessed,No chemicals,No Shedding,No Tangle, Can be permed,Can be dyed to any color,Super soft,Smooth,Luster.Life time last longer than remy hair, about 1-2 years.The most important thing is healthy for your skin.
Only virign hair and raw virgin hair is selling on our website.A small amount of remy hair may be sold during clearance or big promotion.