thriving hair

  1. How to Wash Your Human Hair Extensions

    Step 1: Comb your hair extensions.

    Before you start the shampooing process, it is of vital importance to remove any existing tangles with extreme care utilizing a wide tooth comb. If the hair is excessively tangled, please spray on some conditioner. Do not use force or much like you will experience breakage just your own hair.

    Step 2: Wash your extensions gently.

    Carefully rinse the hair extensions separately with warm water. Place a small amount of shampoo specifically formulated for human hair in the palm of your hand. The shampoo should be applied to the hair in a downward motion from the top of the extensions to the ends. Gently lather the shampoo until the hair is visibly clean. Rinse the hair thoroughly beneath warm water until all the shampoo

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  2. How do I restore a dried out human hair wig?

    If your human hair wig was dried, don’t worry, you can do that:

    1. Clean it first, let it absorb some water.

    2. Then use some hair conditioner. Massage for some time.

    3. Rinse the conditioner off with some cold water.

    4. Then add some hair conditioner again.

    5. Let sit for 30mins.

    6. Rinse off it with cold water.

    7. Let it drying with natural air.

    8. Last, use some hair essential oil.

    9. Comb your human hair wig, you can find it’s very shiny.

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