Monthly Archives: March 2019
Posted: March 15, 2019Categories: News
There are 3 things that give a wig away. Lace, lumps and shine. The key to making a wig look natural is to minimize all 3 of them.
Lace. People's eyes go straight for the part on your wig so you want to make sure 1. It matches your skin tone and 2. It's not lifting. These are 2 dead give aways that you're wearing a wig. Get a pressed powder or foundation (even an eyeshadow) that's as close to your natural scalp as possible and press it on the part (or any exposed lace) to add to the illusion of your scalp. Soft lace tends to lift and roll more than hard lace which lays flatter because of the stiffer material. If you don't have sensitive skin (and don't care about your edges) go for a hard lace wig. For soft lace you could glue it down or Bobby pin the sides of your wig down. My favorite cheat is throwing a headband over the lace to conceal it completely.
Posted: March 01, 2019Categories: News
Styling wigs is no easy feat. Whether it is natural, curly or pin straight, wigs can elevate or destroy a look quicker than you might imagine!
But don’t fret! You can overcome this, even if you are a beginner. Many women in the world today wear wigs for different reasons. Below are some reasons why many women of different ages wear wigs and how it benefits them:
- Styling versatility: Many human hair, lace front wigs can be colored, permed and styled just like your own natural hair.
- Human hair wigs come in a variety of textures as well as colors, so you can match your own texture very closely if you are looking to match